a meager update

March 13, 2011

i really hate it that i’ve hardly been blogging at all lately. it’s not that i haven’t thought about it or wanted to, i just don’t really have time to do anything i’d like to do. here’s a random little list for those curious souls out there.

1. i have a really huge assignment due next friday, and i’ve hardly worked on it at all. i’m trying to change that this weekend.

2. every assignment i have this semester, including my little weekly journal entries, are due friday at 8am. i leave early thursday morning and get home around 9 at night, and i work fridays, usually at 5 or 6 in the morning. so that means i have to get everything done wednesday after i get off work. ugh. i’m tired of that.

3. i don’t know what i was thinking signing up for snack at church the morning of “spring forward,” but alas, i will be making coffee cake to take in the morning. i hope it turns out yummy!

4. besides losing the hour of sleep, i LOVE springing forward! i hate it when it gets dark so early! and now that i have a lot of evening drives, i’m very happy that there will be more daylight for those!

5. another great sign of spring – the trees have started blooming here! hooray! that also means i’m sneezing lots more. you win some, you lose some.

6. if you couldn’t tell already, i’m so ready to be done with school. i think i’ve developed senioritis in graduate school. i didn’t know that was possible. it so is!

7. my fam (parents, us, and my sister and brother-in-law) planned a vacation to the gulf shores this summer! i can’t wait to lay on the beach for a week!

8. i also can’t wait to go home for a little weekend trip in a few weeks. it will be nice to see some family and friends – it’s been since christmas!

9. i’ll also be going to this when i’m there!

10. i think i’m going to buy this bag with some leftover birthday money. it looks durable and spacious. i take my laptop to my internship everyday, along with a ton of other papers, forms, folders, etc. and i change offices constantly, just depending on which one is available. it’s a real pain. i think one big bag (as opposed to multiple smaller ones) will make things a tiny bit easier. unfortunately i don’t think i’ll be able to drop the ugly and heavy locked brief case i have to carry around in order to have client files on me. oh well. i’m pretty excited about the bag. what do you think?